The B+ Squad

A website for the modern bisexual.

Who’s afraid of the “semibisexual”?

Recently, PinkNews brought it to my attention that some right wing troll Facebook account decided it would be hilarious to create a post saying that non-binary performer Sam Smith had recently come out as “semibisexual,” which said Facebook post helpfully described as “someone who is bisexual but is attracted to only one gender.”

PinkNews takes great umbrage at this post, pointing out that it’s an attempt to mock the plethora of labels queer people have adopted and not a real identity.

Except —

I mean, definition aside, I’m not really sure there’s a ton of daylight between “semibisexual” and something like bicurious or heteroflexible or homoflexible, you know? There are a lot of people — people I personally would included under the bisexual umbrella, not that my personal opinions here matter — who see themselves as sort of but not fully bi; people who are only “gay” (or straight!) for a single person in the world, like that annoying TikToker who’s a gay man married to a straight woman. And honestly, I don’t really see the point in getting all respectability politics around like?

Like, sure, Sam Smith hasn’t come out as semibisexual. But if they had, who cares? Why give in to the right wing trolls by agreeing that there are acceptable sexual identities and ones that can only be a joke? Why not just say, sure, fine, whatever; people can be attracted to whomever they want, and call themselves whatever they want, so long as they’re not hurting other people?

What’s so hard about that?

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