The B+ Squad

A website for the modern bisexual.

  • A new sexuality emerges

    As a general rule, I tend to err on the side of “it’s fine if you want to come up with a new label to describe your sexuality, but that doesn’t make it an identity that’s significantly different enough to be carved out from the Big Four™️* Gendered Sexual Attractions” — or perhaps Big Six™️…


  • The biphobia that’s never discussed.

    It is a general rule that when people talk about “biphobia,” the first things that come to mind are often the kinds of things that used to be called “microaggressions.” You know what I’m talking about: complaints about stereotypes, complaints about gays and lesbians being mean to us, complaints about erasure — which is of…


  • The personal is not always the political

    Lately I have been seeing — I guess you’d call them “trend pieces,” though even that seems generous — about abrosexuality, which basically means “fluid sexual attraction.” An abrosexual might have exclusively homo attractions one day, bisexual ones another day, and just hetero ones another day. You get the idea. To me, personally, this all…


  • Who’s afraid of the “semibisexual”?

    Recently, PinkNews brought it to my attention that some right wing troll Facebook account decided it would be hilarious to create a post saying that non-binary performer Sam Smith had recently come out as “semibisexual,” which said Facebook post helpfully described as “someone who is bisexual but is attracted to only one gender.” PinkNews takes great…


  • We are not the same

    I’ve been reading this book, We Can Save Us All, that I started knowing only that it was loosely about superheroes and was surprised to find is also kind of, sort of, about the aftermath of a campus rape. I won’t get too spoilery or anything here, but I will say that I’m maybe 90%…


  • Scientists, don’t let your research grow up to fuel biphobia.

    Last month, the research journal Archives of Sexual Behavior — a journal which, I should note, was accused of having an anti-LGBTQ bias in 2023 — published a paper with the somewhat dense title “Sex and Sexual Orientation Differences in Dark Triad Traits, Sexual Excitation/Inhibition, and Sociosexuality.” I’ve read the paper, while it was a little too…


A website for the modern bisexual.

In the fall of 2023, I noticed something strange. After a flurry of interest of interest in bisexuality — packages devoted to Bisexual Awareness Week, article after article about how biphobia was real and the bisexuals were, in fact, struggling — Bisexual Awareness Week had once again descended upon us and there was… nothing. No dedicated weeks on any of my favorite sites. No essays rehashing old and new bisexual gripes. Even the pitches I sent in about bisexuality generated little to no interest from editors.

It seemed that the media world was just… done with bisexuals.

And as a frustrated bisexual with a lot of things to say, I decided to do what every writer was doing: I started a newsletter about bisexuality. Welcome to The B+ Squad.

All essays I’ve written on bisexuality — including ones from the project’s Substack era — are on this site. If you’d like to support the project (and get bonuses for yourself, including early access to essays), you can check out my Patreon.

Lux Alptraum

Writer & Journalist