The B+ Squad

A website for the modern bisexual.

  • Self classification

    There is an Instagram meme of sorts going around my friends’ stories. I’ve seen it several times now (and in a few iterations); perhaps you have also seen it yourself. The gist is basically this: you’re presented with a series of lines, each offering a spectrum of various sex and gender identities, and invited to…


  • You can’t understand yourself through a straight/gay binary

    The Journal of Bisexuality has just published a very interesting paper by Rosie Nelson that deconstructs the notion of “straight-passing privilege” using very academic language and heady theory. You can read it yourself — it goes over a number of concepts I’ve thought about in my essays for this project — but the reason I…


  • Specificity lost

    Loyola Marymount University’s LGBTQ+ Victory Institute has just released a report on the experiences of LGBTQ+ women in politics and it is… predictably grim. Queer women are more likely to be discouraged from running or worried about harassment than their queer male peers (with trans women in particular experiencing this); while on the campaign trail,…


  • I’m not sick, but I’m not well

    Little by little, it feels like some of the mysteries of the bisexual experience are starting to be unwound. It’s been — well, not common knowledge, but well-documented with research for several years now that bisexuals are, uh, not doing so hot. Compared to monosexuals, we tend to be sicker, both physically and mentally, and…


  • Fear of a bisexual woman

    My inbox continues to be filled with — often panicked, often right wing — reactions to Gallup’s (honestly really predictable, given trends of the past few years) report about an increasingly LGBTQ, and more specifically, increasingly bisexual America. I’m not going to link to any of them — why would I clutter your brain space…


  • If lying about being bisexual were all it took to be cool, everyone would be doing it

    So I’m still thinking about the latest Gallup report on American queer identity, and specifically the repeatedly cited stat that nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as some kind of queer — and over 20% of Gen Z women identify as bisexual specifically. If you are masochistic enough to pore through all the coverage…


A website for the modern bisexual.

In the fall of 2023, I noticed something strange. After a flurry of interest of interest in bisexuality — packages devoted to Bisexual Awareness Week, article after article about how biphobia was real and the bisexuals were, in fact, struggling — Bisexual Awareness Week had once again descended upon us and there was… nothing. No dedicated weeks on any of my favorite sites. No essays rehashing old and new bisexual gripes. Even the pitches I sent in about bisexuality generated little to no interest from editors.

It seemed that the media world was just… done with bisexuals.

And as a frustrated bisexual with a lot of things to say, I decided to do what every writer was doing: I started a newsletter about bisexuality. Welcome to The B+ Squad.

All essays I’ve written on bisexuality — including ones from the project’s Substack era — are on this site. If you’d like to support the project (and get bonuses for yourself, including early access to essays), you can check out my Patreon.

Lux Alptraum

Writer & Journalist